Taxi Ranks
You can find below the taxi ranks of Nerja
The town of Nerja has 4 taxi ranks at your disposal with different timetables.
In addition, Transfer Nerja Taxi 6 has a pick up service so you don’t need to move around the town. Let´s know!
Please find below detailed information about each taxi rank.
Taxi Ranks:
- La Ermita
The “La Ermita” stop is one of the main taxi stops in Nerja. It is located in San Miguel Street, in La Ermita Square.
This stop is characterised by the fact that it operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We recommend booking in advance if you need a taxi after midnight.
Do you need a taxi at La Ermita?

How to get to the “La Ermita” stop?

- Bus Station
As its name suggests, this taxi rank in Nerja is located in the Bus Station, National Road 340.
Due to its location it is considered to be the main taxi stop in Nerja as it is situated in the same Bus Station.
Do you need a taxi at the Bus Station?

How do I get to “La Estación” stop?
- Castilla Pérez
This taxi stop is located in the leisure area of Nerja, next to the “Tutti Frutti” square.
We recommend booking by phone to guarantee the service.
Do you need a taxi at the Castilla Perez stop?

How to get to the “Castilla Pérez” taxi stop?

- Burriana beach
The Burriana stop is located at the end of Filipinas street; at the beginning of Burriana beach. This is the most popular beach in Nerja and the most visited, so going by taxi will be more confortable and faster.
Do you need a taxi at the Burriana Beach?